
Ecumenical reformed library
WARC texts on theology and social ethics
- Lutheran-Reformed
Joint Committee - Report of 1975
- Final
Report of the Roman Catholic-Lutheran-Reformed Study Commission on "The
Theology of Marriage and the Problem of Mixed Marriages" - 1976
- The
Theological Basis of Human Rights, 1976
- Report
of the Theological Conversations Sponsored by The World Alliance of
Reformed Churches and the Baptist World Alliance, 1973-1977
- The
Presence of Christ in Church and World - Final Report of the Dialogue
Between the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Secretariat
for Promoting Christian Unity, 1977
- Called
to Witness to the Gospel Today, 1982
- A
Covenant for Peace and Justice - A Statement of the Executive Committee
of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 1983
- Gods
Reign and Our Unity - The Report of the Anglican-Reformed International
Commission 1981-1984
- Prague
I - The Heritage of the First and Radical Reformations, 1986
- Towards
a Common Testimony - Report of the 1986 Consultation
- Towards
Closer Fellowship - Report of the International Disciples of Christ-Reformed
Dialogue held at Birmingham, United Kingdom, March 4-11, 1987
- Prague
II - Eschatology and Social Transformation, 1987
- Together
in Gods Grace - Report of the International Reformed-Methodist
Consultation held at Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 23-27, 1987
- Mission
and Unity - Report of the 1988 Consultation
- Lutheran-Reformed
Joint Commission - Toward Church Fellowship - 1989
- Prague
III - Christian Faith and Economics, 1989
- Towards
a Common Understanding of the Church - Reformed-Roman Catholic International
Dialogue, Second Phase - 1984-1990
- Islam
in Asia: Report and Recommendations of the Bangkok Consultation,
- Eastern
Orthodox-Reformed Agreed Statement on the Holy Trinity - 1992
- Christian
Fundamentalism Today: Group Reports, 1993
- The
Challenge of the Emerging Ecclesiologies to Church Renewal: Group Reports,
- Oriental
Orthodox-Reformed Agreed Statement on Christology - 1994
- Islam
in Africa: The Blantyre Statement, 1994
- Eastern
Orthodox-Reformed Agreed Statement on Christology - 1994
- Prague
IV - Towards a Renewed Dialogue, 1994
- Who
are we called to be? Reformed Self-Understanding - Final Report,
- Ethnicity
and Nationalism: A Challenge to the Churches - Final Report, 1994
- Gospel
and Cultures - Report of the 1996 Consultation
- Prague
V - Justification and Sanctification, 1998
- Organization
of African Instituted Churches-Reformed Dialogue: the Kigali Statement
- 1999
- Prague
VI - New Life in Christ, 2000
- Keeping
the Unity of the Spirit through the Bond of Peace: A Mission and Unity
Inquiry - 2000
- "Word
and Spirit, Church and World" - Final Report of the Pentecostal-Reformed
Dialogue - 2000